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Goulash recipes


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home Hungarian tripe stew 2. (Pacalpörkölt 2.)
home Historian Sausage garlic sausage (Dr Gusztávné Láng 1940)
home Sausage with garlic puree
home Paprika salami Márkó style
home Paprika salami 3.
home Paprika salami 2.
home Bean salad
home Debreziner sausage 3.
home Fathers smoked sausage 1987
home Fathers smoked sausage 1986
home Hungarian pork jelly
home Jelly for children 2.
home Jelly for children
home Hungarian sausage Cece style (Cecei kolbász)
home Sponge fingers canapés for two 4.
home Sponge fingers canapés for two 3.
home Sponge fingers canapés for two 2.
home Sponge fingers canapés for two
home Valentine asparagus soup
home Debreziner sausage 2.
home Debreziner sausage
home Liverwurst Gipsy style (Cigány májas)
home Stifolder (Danube Swabian salami) 3.


Sausage recipes
Canapés, party bites
Sandwich recipes
Pigkilling recipes
Recipes for Valentines Day
Famous Hungarian recipes 2. (Meat)
Cold egg recipes
Soup recipes
How to cook for children
Barbecue & grill recipes
Appetizers (little party-bites)
Strudel recipes
Pancake recipes

New sites

home   Cold eggs
home   Easter recipes
home   Pörkölt (Hungarian stew) recipes
home   Pigkilling recipes
home   Sandwich recipes

...coming soon...

home   Antipasti - italian starters (German)
home   Christmas recipes
home   Cauldron recipes

All recipes in ABC order


Almond-apple strudel (Mandulás-almás rétes)
Apple strudel (Almás rétes)
Apple tart Arad style
Apricot dumplings (Barackos gombóc)


Bacon and eggs
Baked chicken liver
Balaton fisherman's soup 1. (Balatoni halászlé)
Balaton grill-sausage
Basil marinade
Bean salad
Bean soup (bableves)
"Belt design" Easter eggs
Bikini cucumber
Black pudding with rice 1.
Black pudding with rice 2.
Bockwurst salad
Bockwurst salad 2.
Bread and dripping
Bread and dripping 2.
Bread and dripping 3.
Bread and dripping 4.
Bread with goose fat
Bread with liver pastry
Brown eggs

Valentine's day



Canapés with double salmon rolls
Canapes with goose liver
Canapés with green olives and mozzarella
Canapés with pörkölt
Canapés with smoked salmon
Canapes with steak tartare
Carnival doughnuts (Farsangi fánk)
Carrot Ham Rolls
Carrot shapes
Cat head sandwich with caviar
Cat head sandwich with cheese and ham
Cat head sandwich with salmon
Cheese bear
Cheese bunny
Cheese canapes
Cheese canapes 2.
Cheese heart
Cheese horse
Cheese sandwich
Cheese strudel (Túrós rétes)
Chicken Breast Bags with Rosemary
Chicken goulash
Chicken goulash (csirkepörkölt)
Chicken kropp 1.
Chicken kropp 2.
Chicken kropp 3.
Chicken kropp 4.
Chicken liver crostini (Crostini di fegatini)
Chicken soup Ujházy style
Christmas bites 1.
Christmas bites 2.
Christmas bites 3.
Christmas honey cookies
Christmas party bites
Christmas sausage (with dried plums)
Christmas Potatoes "Pine Chips"
Christmas potato salad
Cold chicken breast (paprika)
Cold chicken breast (parsley)
Cold cut platter #1 (Easter style)
Cold cut platter #2 (Easter style)
Cold cut platter #3 (Jewish style)

........................ all recipes ... home

Pigkilling recipes


The recipe sites

home   Appetizers (little party-bites)
home   Barbecue & grill recipes (outdoor and indoor)
home   Canapes (little party-bites)
home   Christmas recipes
home   Cold eggs
home   Decoration
home   Easter recipes
home   Famous Hungarian soups
home   Famous Hungarian recipes 2. (Meat)
home   How to cook for children
home   Hungarian fish soups (Halászlé)
home   Jewish recipes
home   Pancake recipes (Palacsinta)
home   Pigkilling recipes
home   Pörkölt (Hungarian stew) recipes
home   Sandwich recipes
home   Sausage (Pig killing sites)
home   Strudel recipes (Rétes)
home   Sweet (Cakes & co.)

home   Decoration
home   Salad recipes

Holiday recipes

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